Summer Recap
Manager's Report

Water Tank Maintenance Project Complete.
Earlier this summer, the NYWD Board of Directors approved funding for much needed maintenance and painting of the District’s four water storage tanks as a delayed but important, routine maintenance measure.
The project began with a refresh of 100,000-gallon Forbestown Tank, followed by the Water Treatment Plant Tank, which holds 500,000 gallons of water. Next up, the 300,000-gallon Brownsville Tank received its face-lift, and finally the 100,000 Rackerby Tank was painted and the project was completed.
Not only did the project significantly improve the visual appeal of these important District assets, but the paint jobs will help to extend tank life.

Irrigation Season Nears Close
We are near the close of a second, very successful, irrigation season under the leadership of our Board of Directors and hardworking District team and other water agency partners. I will be sharing more details on our water delivery progress and results once the season comes to a close at the end of the month.